NEVER SAY WHATEVER: How Small Decisions Can Make a Big Difference in Life and Work
“Whatever” has become a flippant remark that is essentially a dismissal of responsibility. “Whatever” is not benign; at work using the “w” word can stifel groupthink, shut down innovation, and be a career killer with short-and long-term consequences. In relationships it’s toxic. It almost always defers or eliminates a decision or a choice that should be made.
Richard Moran argues that a commitment to “Never Say Whatever” will result in a happier, more successful, and balanced life and workplace. He points to studies that show how people who are comfortable with decision-making and are more successful in their careers and happier in their lives. He asks leaders in business, sports, and media to share their experiences with the word or attitude of “whatever,” and the resounding response is that it is a sign of shirked responsibility and carelessness. Regardless of gender, personality, age, or Myers-Briggs type, the temptations of an aimless life can be avoided by making decisions, especially the small ones. When it comes to success and avoiding a “whatever” in life we must:
- Be Intentional – Understand that “if” I do X, “then” I’ll achieve Y.
- Be Self-Aware – Know your effect on others and your strengths and limitations.
- Be Accountable – Show up and take responsibility.
- Be Willing to Take Risks – We regret the things we did not do.
- Recognize that Actions Follow Choices – Follow up on decisions to achieve goals.
- Start the Day with A Choice – Choose to be an active participant, it all matters.
- Understand that Regrets Will Happen, Move On – You can make new decisions.
NEVER SAY WHATEVER makes clear the nuances of decision-making and how even the smallest decisions can affect both your organization's culture, individuals careers—and life.